The 10th Air Cargo Conference on September 3rd and 4th, 2025, at the Adler Business Club, Deutsche Bank Park, will feature insightful keynotes, specialized stages, startup pitches, exhibition space, and networking opportunities.
The Air Cargo Community Frankfurt, in partnership with the Logistics Startup Lab Haus61, is thrilled to announce the 10th Air Cargo Conference, taking place on September 3rd and 4th, 2025. This year’s event promises to be more dynamic and engaging than ever, with a special venue: the Adler Business Club at Deutsche Bank Park.
For the first time, the conference will feature not only a main stage for keynote speeches and industry-leading discussions but also smaller stages dedicated to specialized topics and exciting startup pitches, showcasing innovative ideas in logistics and air cargo. A major highlight this year will be the exhibition area, where companies can showcase their products, services, and innovations to a targeted audience of industry professionals.
Additionally, attendees can book private meeting rooms to network and hold focused discussions, making this event a perfect platform for forging meaningful business connections. With its unique location, insightful content, and expanded opportunities for interaction, the 10th Air Cargo Conference is the place to be for industry veterans, innovators, and newcomers alike.
If you would like to become a sponsor or exhibitor, we will be happy to send you the information brochure on request.
Further information will follow.
Ticket sales will start on March 1, 2025.
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